Time for my recommendation on Fablehaven!
I read this book with a quickness! It was actually recommended to me by the Children's section Barnes & Noble lady. (she gave me 2 books that day, I still haven't read the other one.)
I told her about reading (and not necessarily enjoying) the Percy Jackson series- so she said I should give this a try.
Why I love this book:
1. The main character in the book is named Kendra. Yes folks, that means it's a girl. not some strong boy that has thoughts of girls. A GIRL is a prominent force in this story. I'm not going to get all crazy girl power on you, I just appreciate the fact that she is pivotal, critical and necessary in these books.
2. It keeps you guessing. I seriously didn't see it coming. (don't get me wrong, the predicatble ending was easy to see... but the plot lines, story, etc were fantastic and intriguing.)
3. I really believed places like Fablehaven exist.
4. I was sad when it was over. (on a plus, I rushed right out and got book #2- and #3 for that matter).
5. All I could think about was how I wished I read this book when I was the recommended age for it (7-11). Therefore, I am sending them to my nephew once he finishes the Percy Jackson series.
6. Mr. Mull's writing is so flowy and easy to follow. it is written very smartly and in a way that adults and children alike can enjoy.
Fablehaven is a far cry from Harry Potter, but I put it in the same rhealm. no one can top what JK Rowling did for young readers, but Brandon Mull has really tapped into something that I think will get kids back into reading.
This concludes my "recommendation". (I'm not allowed to give a review yet w/out giving too many details, as the author of this blog gave me strict instructions. and also hasn't read it yet.)
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