Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why I decided to read Fablehaven...

Meet my friend Pam. She is the founder and owner of her own business called Sockstar! She recommended Fablehaven and she graciously agreed to write a little "recommendation" for the book. As you will see, she is not too happy that she can't get into the details...you shall have to wait Pam! Give me a couple of days! Sheesh...:) Anyhoot, see what she thinks below and maybe she will spike your interest too! After you read her thoughts, go on over to her Etsy shop where she has the coolest freakin' sock critters! Enjoy!

Time for my recommendation on Fablehaven!

I read this book with a quickness! It was actually recommended to me by the Children's section Barnes & Noble lady. (she gave me 2 books that day, I still haven't read the other one.)

I told her about reading (and not necessarily enjoying) the Percy Jackson series- so she said I should give this a try.

Why I love this book:

1. The main character in the book is named Kendra. Yes folks, that means it's a girl. not some strong boy that has thoughts of girls. A GIRL is a prominent force in this story. I'm not going to get all crazy girl power on you, I just appreciate the fact that she is pivotal, critical and necessary in these books.

2. It keeps you guessing. I seriously didn't see it coming. (don't get me wrong, the predicatble ending was easy to see... but the plot lines, story, etc were fantastic and intriguing.)

3. I really believed places like Fablehaven exist.

4. I was sad when it was over. (on a plus, I rushed right out and got book #2- and #3 for that matter).

5. All I could think about was how I wished I read this book when I was the recommended age for it (7-11). Therefore, I am sending them to my nephew once he finishes the Percy Jackson series.

6. Mr. Mull's writing is so flowy and easy to follow. it is written very smartly and in a way that adults and children alike can enjoy.

Fablehaven is a far cry from Harry Potter, but I put it in the same rhealm. no one can top what JK Rowling did for young readers, but Brandon Mull has really tapped into something that I think will get kids back into reading.
This concludes my "recommendation". (I'm not allowed to give a review yet w/out giving too many details, as the author of this blog gave me strict instructions. and also hasn't read it yet.)
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